Notice 09-17-2024: Voter registration for the November, 2024 ballot: please know Issue 24 provides continued policing services from the Summit County Sheriff Office.

Tax Levy Fact Sheet: Issue 24 on the November 5, 2024, Ballot

Tax Levy Fact Sheet:  Issue 24 on the November 5, 2024, Ballot 

  • How are policing services funded for Northfield Center Township:

Northfield Center contracts with Summit County for policing services and these services are paid for by levies.

  •  Why Does Northfield Center Township need an additional levy for police services?

Northfield Center’s police protection is paid for via 3 levies.  The last levy obtained was approved by voters in 2014 which increased the amount allocated for police service to $845,000 a year. Due to inflation and other increases, we will be operating in a deficit in 2025 unless an additional levy is passed. Homeowners have paid $147 per $100,000 appraised value every year since 2014 for this levy.  Yet, the cost for police protection has increased annually from 2014.

  •  Why replace a 7 Mil levy with a 5.5 Mil levy?

Issue 24 will remove the 7 mil 2014 levy currently in place and replace it with a decreased 5.5 mil levy which will provide revenue for police services based upon 2024 appraised home values.  The amount a homeowner will pay will be based upon $193 per $100,000 appraised value of their home.  The end result for the replacement levy will give the Township additional revenue to fund policing services at a lower milage rate. The new rate, if approved, would be an estimated $46 per $100,000 of the homes appraised value per year. This would cost the average homeowner in Northfield Center an estimated $ 8.32 a month more than they are currently paying on the existing 2014 levy for policing services. Our estimate indicates that these levies will fund policing services for an estimated 14 years or more. 

 Appraised values for your property can be found here:

 Sign up for the Newsletter/Email here: 

Actual Ballot Language for Issue 24:

 “A replacement of a portion of an existing levy, being a reduction of 1.5 mills to constitute a tax for the benefit of Northfield Center Township for the purpose of the payment of costs incurred by the Township as a result of contracts made with other political subdivisions in order to obtain police protection, and for the payment of other related costs that the county fiscal officer’s appraised value, for a continuing period of time, commencing in 2024, first due in calendar year 2025.”